Scientific Associates

Anastasios Argyriou
Dr. A. Argyriou was born in Athens, Greece on July 11, 1960. He received the Diploma in Biology from the University of Athens, Greece in 1984, the D.E.A. (Diplôme d’études approfondies) in Endocrinology and Development from the University of Caen, France in …

Dr. A. Argyriou was born in Athens, Greece on July 11, 1960. He received the Diploma in Biology from the University of Athens, Greece in 1984, the D.E.A. (Diplôme d’études approfondies) in Endocrinology and Development from the University of Caen, France in 1985, the Diploma in Andrology from the University of Paris XI, France in 1986 and the Ph.D. in Physiology of Human Reproduction from the University of Paris VI, France in 1988. He has attended a number of seminars in advanced in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratory methods:
- in 1990, in vitro fertilization (Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon, France)
- in 1991, cryopreservation of human embryos and human sperm (Edouard Heurriot Hospital, Lyon, France)
- in 1994, method of Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (Van Helmont Hospital, Vilvoorde, Brussels, Belgium)
- in 1998, method of Intra-Cytoplasmic Injection of human spermatids (Van Helmont Hospital, Vilvoorde, Brussels, Belgium)
- in 2005, method of vitrification of human embryos (Endoskopiki LTD, Athens, Greece)
- in 2016, method of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis / Screening (University College of London, London, United Kingdom)
Dr. A. Argyriou has thirty (37) years of professional and research experience in the fields of Biology of Reproduction and Andrology and since 1991, he is senior clinical embryologist in the following IVF Laboratories:
- 6/1990-2/2000 : Private IVF Unit of the Maternity “HERA”
- 3/1997-12/2000 : Private IVF Unit “MITROTITA”
- 2/2001-5/2003 : Private IVF Unit “EMVIOIATRIKI”
- 6/2003-9/2006 : Private IVF Unit “DIAGNOSIS”
- 6/2003-12/2007 : Private IVF Unit “MEDSANA” medical center, Bucurest, Romania
- 10/2006-2/2012 : Public IVF Unit of the Maternity “ELENA VENIZELOU”
- 6/2009-12/2015 : Private IVF Unit “BIOGENESIS”, Bucurest, Romania
- 3/2012-12/2016 : Private IVF Unit “MEDIMALL”
- 2/2017- today : Institute of Life, IASO Maternity
- 1/2017-today : Mediterranean Fertility Institute
He has taught both undergraduate (2003-2006, Biology and Health Education at the University of Athens, Greece) and postgraduate (2006-2011, “Biology of Reproduction” at the University of Thessalia, Greece, and 2009-today, “Applications of Biology in Medicine” and “Immunology” at the University of Athens, Greece) and has supervised a number of diploma thesis of undergraduate and postgraduate students of the department of Biology, University of Athens, Greece.
Dr. A. Argyriou has published papers and articles in Greek and International Scientific and Medical Journals and participated in Greek and International Scientific and Medical Congresses with free communications or presences in round tables and has delivered several lectures to academic and scientific audiences He is a member of Greek and International Scientific Associations (Greek Society of Clinical Embryologists, Greek Society of Bio-Scientists, Greek Society of Andrology, Greek Society of Health Education and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology).
From March 2007 to March 2009, Dr. A. Argyriou was the President of the Board of Directors of the Greek Society of Clinical Embryologists, and from December 2005 to December 2010 he was a regular member of the National Committee of Medically Assisted Reproduction in Greece.
Dr A. Argyriou is the author of the book “Assisted Reproduction – Pathways to the dream “(September 2020, in Greek language)
mobile phone: +30 6944366517

Karangelis Vasiliki
Administration Assistant Manager
Graduate of the Technological Institute of Administration & Economics, Department of Health Facilities Management

Karavella Efrosini
Graduate midwife

Liagou Anastasia
Graduate midwife