
Mini – IVF

Mini – IVF without drug injection :

An innovative approach in the field of Assisted Reproduction


The technique was first developed in Japan and was further enhanced by other pioneering IVF doctors in America and Shanghai.

By using mini – IVF, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is avoided and requires no injections or requires very little (3-4). In conventional IVF, the cost of drugs varies from 1,200 to 2,000 euros, while the expected cost of drugs for Mini – IVF is 200-300 euros maximum.

In addition, the stimulation process is very simple. In classical IVF, usually 7-15 ovaries are collected, of which only 5-7 (depending on age) are really high quality. Instead, Mini-IVF is designed to collect 1-3 ovaries, but having the ability to create high quality embryos.

Numerous patients with poor quality embryos improve the quality of embryos significantly with Mini – FIV and we have pregnancies that otherwise would not have a chance.

In most cases, the only side effects for the woman are mild headaches and / or fatigue that will last for a few days. It is known that the extremely high dose of stimulant drugs used in conventional IVF appears to result in the worst-case implantation rate after embryo transfer. By using the Mini IVF levels of the hormones in the blood are compatible with those found under normal design conditions, which greatly improves the likelihood of implantation of embryos.

The endometrium is in excellent condition to receive the implantation of embryos in its natural and favorable environment, without hormones, contrary to classical IVF where the endometrium is “bombarded” by many hormones and is hostile to the embryo. so there is less chance of success.

Which women are suitable candidates for Mini – IVF?

  • Women who have low response to hormonal stimulation during previous IVF and who have also  low ovarian reserve  (AMH value <1 ng).
  • Older women (over 42) or younger who have a disturbed hormonal profile (FSH> 12).
  • Women who are discouraged by the cost of conventional IVF.
  • Women with a history of cancer.
  • Women who have had bad experiences with hormonal stimulation.
  • Women at high risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
  • Women with implantation failures following conventional IVF.

Patients with pathological hormones, before deciding to follow IVF selection using egg donation, should try at least once in the above method, reminding the candidate mothers of the ancient saying  “more is not better“.