Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an assisted reproduction method. This is a simple procedure in which a quantity of sperm is placed directly in the uterus through the cervix.
The procedure of IUI is as follows:
The partner’s sperm is received and then taken to the laboratory for the required cleansing from the seminal fluid. The sperm is then reinforced, as it is not possible to import semen directly into the uterus due to chemicals in the seminal fluid, which can cause extremely painful uterine contractions. Mobile, healthy sperm is separated from the dead as well as from other sperm cells with the help of viscous solutions. It takes about 2 hours for the sperm processing to be completed.
At the same time, an ultrasound is performed on the woman in order to establish ovulation, as a necessary condition for insemination is for the woman’s fallopian tubes to be open so that sperm can move freely within them in order to meet the egg and fertilize it. As soon as conditions allow and as close to the time of ovulation as possible, we proceed to the seeding of the sperm with a fine catheter through the cervix into the uterus.
This is a totally painless procedure that resembles the PAP smear and lasts a mere 5 minutes. It does not require the patient to undergo anesthesia and can be done safely in the doctor’s lab or somewhere close by. The success of the artificial insemination varies, but it is in the area of 15% to 20% for each attempt. The most significant “side effects” of artificial insemination are multiple pregnancies and ovarian hyperstimulation.