The donation of ova in Greece is based on the current legal framework (N.3305/01/2005). Nowadays it has become clear throughout the world that we are dealing with a scientific medical method that helps couples make their dream come true.
Through this method, the mother accepts the donor’s eggs, but she is the one who becomes pregnant and she is the one to bring the fetus to term, a fetus that grows, nourishes and breathes with her help.
The donor’s reproductive capacity is not at all affected by the overall process of donating eggs.
Selecting the egg donor
According to the legal framework (Ν.3305/01/2005), the donor must:
- Be under 35 years of age.
- Have a typical medical history.
- Have normal results in physical tests.
In addition, she is to be subjected to a series of tests:
- Ultrasound for the exclusion of ovarian disorders (fibroids, cysts, polyps, etc.).
- Chromosome testing to exclude chromosomal abnormalities (karyotype).
- Check for cystic fibrosis.
- Check for hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, Rh blood group.
If a candidate is confirmed to be a suitable donor, we proceed to the phase of chemically induced ovarian stimulation, just as in a conventional IVF treatment, in order to stimulate the production of a sufficient number of eggs. On the day of the scheduled egg retrieval from the donor, the partner procures the sample of his semen to the lab.
The fertilization of the donated ova with the partner’s sperm takes place in the laboratory and the following day we know how many eggs have been fertilized. After 3 to 5 days the embryo transfer is performed, while the remaining embryos are cryopreserved. At the same time, medication is administered to the prospective mother to support embryo implantation.
Approximately ten days after the egg retrieval, we examine b-HCG to determine if pregnancy has been achieved.
Egg donation is a well- established scientific process, growing more and more supporters, and with outstanding results at an international level.